Problem Solving

CEPR1180 Non-credit course 15
This course will explore an overarching problem-solving process and empower you to be proactive in that process. The skills you develop here will certainly be applicable in your professional AND personal lives. Specifically, this course will teach you the skills to correctly identify and define a problem, generate alternative solutions for the identified problem as well as describe how to evaluate and select the best alternative. Additionally, this course will provide you with a skillset to develop an implementation plan that will monitor the progress of the solution. While this class will include a theoretical component, it is designed to be a more "hands on" or "practical skills" course. The information should be of practical value since all individuals encounter problem solving in many aspects of their personal and professional lives. Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to understand an overarching problem-solving process. This course is specifically designed to: • Empower you with the skills to correctly identify and define problems. • Teach you how to generate alternative solutions for the problem defined. • Teach you how to assess your alternative solutions to identify which solution is the best to select. • Provide you with the skills to develop an implementation plan along with what resources and schedule are needed.


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