Online Course Instructions
As we move into online course offerings, below are several information items and important steps you need to take care of in order to attend your course:
Personal Information: Information such as birthdate and social security number may be needed to provide access to course materials. Please ensure all personal information requested is correct. If updates are needed, please contact Registration at 801-626-6600. We take the security of this information seriously.
Contact Information: Active and current email addresses are required for communication concerning the program or class. If your contact email changes please email to update your account.
Computer Specifications: While many courses can be viewed through Zoom on a mobile device, you may need a desktop or laptop to access course materials in Canvas.In addition, you may need a microphone and camera for interactive sessions. Please contact your instructor or view the course in Canvas to determine the specific needs for your course. For further computer recommendations, see this Canvas page.
Access to WSU eWeber Portal, and the Canvas course delivery system:
You must activate your eWeber portal to access Canvas for your course. The portal will also give you access to Wildcat email and other services if needed. Please attempt this at least a week before class starts to ensure it works so you can get help if needed. To access the eWeber portal and Canvas:
- Go to WSU's home page.
- To log in, click on the person icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page and enter your information. If you have forgotten your username
or password, you can click on Need Your Wildcat Username? or Forgot Your Password?
and follow the instructions.
- If this is your first time using WSU’s student portal, you will need a Wildcat ID and password.
You can sign up for a Wildcat ID online at This site also explains password management and accessing your WSU Wildcat email account.
- If you have difficulty setting up your eWeber portal or accessing information in the portal, contact the WSU IT Service Desk. Service desk personnel can assist you with navigating the eWeber portal, and they also have answers to many technical and system questions.
Canvas Access: Once you are in the eWeber portal, there is a search bar at the top. Type "Canvas" in
the search bar, then click on the search magnifier icon or hit "enter" or "return." The Canvas channel will appear.
You can click on the “favorite” bar to save this channel for quick access in your Favorites folder on the left.
In addition, you can type into your internet browser and go to Canvas directly.
You will be prompted to enter your username and password, which you received by following the instructions in Step 3.
In order for you to access your course in Canvas, your instructor must first publish it. Courses may not be visible right away.
Contact info for issues or problems:
WSU IT Service Desk - For technical issues
Canvas Support: For issues with Canvas, the helpline is 877-215-0831. There is also a
chat function along with student tutorials under the “help” icon on your Canvas page.
Enrollment Issues: Call OCE Enrollment Services desk at 801-626-6600 or email with questions about course registration and payment.
Hours are M-F 8:00 a.m.–4 p.m.