Guiding Organizational Change

CEPR1214 Non-credit course 48
This 3-day simulation course requires Project Managers to: (1) exercise the complete range of Project Management tools and techniques while managing a significant corporate project, and (2) develop a valuable new set of leadership skills held by a select few - guiding others through the unsettling distress of major changes to their organization. The class will develop and assess each student’s ability to guide a team through actual, real-time projects with multiple, simultaneous, overlapping, organizational changes. During the course students will learn practical skills that will help them and their project team get through changes faster, with less pain, and with better outcomes. This course is a requirement for the Advanced Project Management Certificate. Participants complete in class simulations, along with supplemental reading and course work. Project Management Institute principles are applied throughout the course. Students must obtain the book, The Orange Revolution by Adrian Gostic & Chester Elton and The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey.

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Tue, Wed, Thu
11/5/2024 - 11/7/2024
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Center for Continuing Education
775 S University Park Blvd
Clearfield, UT 84015
Dan Anderson