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Weber State University WSU Division of Online &Continuing Education

Independent Study at Weber State University:
Education that Fits into Your Life

You can start our independent study courses anytime during the semester. No waiting for the next semester to begin. What's more, you can breeze through classes in just a few weeks or take up to six months to complete coursework.

Program Highlights

Move at your own pace
(within a six-month period).
Independent study tuition
is a flat rate of just 308 per credit hour.
One Deadline
No need to focus on multiple due dates.


Sylvia Newman, Instructor
"I like that I am providing access to students who may not be able to complete their education otherwise, and increased access to education is important to me."
Scott Rhead, 2019 WSU Graduate
"Because the independent study course could be completed over six months, I was able to ease the pressure from an already-full class load."
Heidi Costello, Instructor
"Life happens, and independent study is great for these students who just need a little flexibility."

Program Details

Help Yourself Succeed

Independent study is perfect for students who are self-motivated. While we know flexibility is a big help, we encourage you to hand in coursework early.

How to Register

If you haven't already, view our available courses. Then call us at 801-626-6600 or 1-800-848-7770, ext. 4 (toll free), and we'll help you get registered.* We look forward to helping you!

Financial Aid

Funding is available for qualified students in independent study programs. Call WSU Financial Aid directly at 801-626-7569 or email Let them know you're seeking financial aid for independent study specifically.

* Note: Rather than register for future semesters, students register for the semester they're currently in.

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* Required Information